Monday, September 27, 2010

3G is not a cover

With several major 3G operator's specific position on the Chinese 3G start-up idea has become increasingly clear, up to now, China has already launched 3G into the basic facts, then we need to explore is how a previous law, how to send license , operators on how the layout.

In fact, the topic of the 3G I have talked a lot, and the reason turned out one more time again, is to see a lot of comments recently out of which more representative is: According to China Mobile's 3G development ideas, even if its to build TD-SCDMA network equipment vendors may be difficult to get short-term relatively large income; In addition, some people think that China Mobile has recently launched upgrade EDGE and TD may have conflicts.

For these remarks, I would like on to the next one of my basic viewpoints: from the present perspective, skip the 3G De Xiang Fa yes impossible, WiMax 绛?technology is difficult to enter the market short-term Huan mainstream, Gang Gang I am in a blog 涓?Yijingxiangxi expounded on this point, 4G technologies such as standardization is not clear, but industrialization is take a long time, in this based on the 3G launch has become inevitable.

In addition, I would like to stress that the input is on the 3G, this is equipment manufacturers are most concerned about the global 3G long-term slump, a large number of major equipment manufacturers have invested in 3G at a lot of money, after the update has made the rapid 3G equipment manufacturers must continue to invest, which is able to eventually recover input costs, the only way to 3G, so in the evolution of 3G technology, the equipment manufacturers to upgrade to a passive race.

Recently, China Mobile boss Wang on the 2G network to rely on local building 3G networks think so many people worried, 3G investment in the end is there? I think this is not necessary to worry about, according to Wang's idea, through the transformation of 2G 3G core network to achieve a shared purpose and, in fact, this attitude is one thing to be happy, description, led by China Mobile China 3G war is likely to be staged in advance, while in the long ago, China Mobile is also non-public Xing said it would consider upgrading nationwide EDGE, equipment manufacturers from this progressive strategy to move benefit, because the quick success of the entire pie is no good 3G, 3G pie made the larger, individual cake higher interest.

In addition, there is no escaping the fact that, at present it from the network construction cost, there is a polarization of the situation, it is said very little, a few hundred million people say a lot, to hundreds of billions. In fact, these figures are correct, the key to it is not at once put into the. Network construction costs from the point of view, including two wireless networks and most of the core network, including wireless network investment in basic accounting for about 75%, even if the 2G operators to transform the core network and location, resources, and a large number of inputs is also necessary .

From the above, I think that China's 3G is not a cover, it is hard cash to prop up the market, hold and cultivate the market demand will benefit operators, equipment manufacturers will be assigned to the of that one. But, the 3G, should also include a 2.5G, 2.75G and 3G market after.

Data from the current Chinese market demands, large market demand for 3G has not formed, 3G licensing policy has not yet enacted, in this case, before the development of 3G technology will be the main force, and in possession of a very long time substantial part of the share, such as moving from GPRS to EDGE in the transition; the former is bound to promote the development of 3G, 3G directness back forward, but you can not deny that they are 3G.

A month ago, I wrote a chapter blog: 3G narrowly on the interests of China telecommunications market, now look, this line of thinking is the need of our operators and equipment manufacturers to think carefully, and only a narrow 3G excluding simple argument, a comprehensive understanding of 3G meaning, can be better to guide and nurture the market may be in a very long period of time, we do not find the killer application of 3G.


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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Customer is not his wife is a lover of God is

Customers are wives, need we can really operate, required to achieve life-long service. Customer is not just customer transactions occurred, including the potential development of the customer. For the latter, we have to careful management, that should be the same as the lover in hot pursuit, so I think the customers are his wife, need life-long service, and potential customers, they have to like Valentine's, requires hot pursuit!

Treatment of customers, we usually deal depending on whether he happened into two categories, namely, customers (closing) and potential customers (not traded). Turnover value of customers based on their own are divided into small, medium, large, VIP customers; no transaction sales transactions according to the possibility of customers, divided into A, B, C, D four grades.

Customers are his wife, need life-long service, and why?

Because often men and women after marriage, marriage will remain for some time. Maybe 2-3 years, both sides lost their passion and vitality for life, merely to maintain, and perhaps it is for kids. At this point, if you do not operate her, and usually there will be a number of complaints, grievances, nagging, complain, or even for each other, having an affair and so on. You have Haikudanlan between, eachother, life service will be gone. If you do not check and do not reflect, not aware, the service is always at a standstill, never hesitate, never creative. You will only make one lose out, lose power, results of your customers will really separate.

So, as customers like the wife, if you treat the customer is always static, content and form is almost no difference, let alone to help customers create value, generate new opportunities, let her and you build relationships with high loyalty , also just maintain the status quo, very easy to incite defection of your competitors.

Even if she does not leave you, you will not develop his values, or even a loss. For enterprises, the value is not particularly large. This customer loyalty is not even very concerned about your customers.

Potential customers, like lovers, need to chase the plane, why?

Because the potential customers for each company are looking forward to the development, while the two major potential customers is not a measure of business strength of protection. Development of potential customers the most important purpose is to let her be your real customers, which hope to become your life-long lover of his wife. But the deal lover, you can not see a simple chat will be your wife. You need to give your lover the performance of the stage, let her have a little favor for you, hand in hand chance to own their love is, and finally walked down the red carpet, into the wedding hall. This four-step needs at least the middle of the development. Similarly, treatment of lovers, according to the closeness of her relationship with you to determine the possibility of its development, which is necessary, but also in the process of service need to continue to serve, to provide a feat she was very surprised, very exciting time activities, a happy honeymoon and so on.鍙湁涓嶆柇鍒涢?鏂般?濂囥?鐗圭殑涓滆タ锛屾墠浼氭劅鍒颁綘涓庡叾浠栦汉涓嶄竴鏍凤紝鍚﹀垯浣犺儨绠楃殑鏈虹巼杈冨皬銆傚洜涓哄ス涓嶅儚鑰佸﹩锛屽ぉ缁忓湴涔夛紝娉曞緥瑙勫畾锛屼綘鑷冲皯涓?鏃堕棿鍙互楂樻灂鏃犲咖锛岀劧鑰屾儏浜轰笉琛岋紝鍙湁绱х揣鍦版姄浣忎竴娆℃満浼氾紝鐢ㄥ績鍦颁负鍏舵湇鍔★紝鐪熷績鍦板叧蹇冨ス锛屾墠浼氭湁鍙兘鎴愪负鑰佸﹩銆?br />



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